Birth about 1687

MarriageJohannes Heinrich MonheimView this family
January 17, 1707 (aged 20 years)
MarriageJohannes Heinrich MonheimView this family
January 18, 1707 (aged 20 years)

Monheim, Henrich (St. Johann Baptist) verlobt mit Gertrud Engels (St. Kubiert) Dispens vom Aufgebot 17.1.1707 S. 16 Quelle: Die Kölner Generalvikariatsprotokolle als personengeschichtliche Quelle, Bd. 2, S. 633

Birth of a sonJohannes Theodor Monheim
June 1707 (aged 20 years)

Christening of a sonJohannes Theodor Monheim
June 26, 1707 (aged 20 years)
Birth of a sonHenricus Monheim
November 1708 (aged 21 years)
Christening of a sonHenricus Monheim
November 8, 1708 (aged 21 years)
Birth of a sonJohannes Peter Monheim
January 1710 (aged 23 years)
Christening of a sonJohannes Peter Monheim
January 29, 1710 (aged 23 years)

Birth of a daughterKatharina Monheim
November 1711 (aged 24 years)
Christening of a daughterKatharina Monheim
November 11, 1711 (aged 24 years)

Birth of a daughterMaria Anna Monheim
February 1713 (aged 26 years)

Christening of a daughterMaria Anna Monheim
February 22, 1713 (aged 26 years)
Birth of a daughterSybilla Katharina Monheim
March 1714 (aged 27 years)
Christening of a daughterSybilla Katharina Monheim
1714 (aged 27 years)

Marriage of a childJohannes Peter MonheimAgnes RoleffView this family
September 5, 1739 (aged 52 years)
Marriage of a childJohannes Peter MonheimMaria Cäcilia SchieffbahnView this family
April 6, 1779 (aged 92 years)
INDI:_CRE February 1, 201814:10:29 (aged 331 years)

FAM:_CREJohannes Heinrich MonheimView this family
February 1, 201814:10:29 (aged 331 years)

