Cunera Katharina Coninx, 1714–1794 (aged 79 years)
- Name
- Cunera Katharina /Coninx/
- Given names
- Cunera Katharina
- Surname
- Coninx
Birth | April 24, 1714 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Peter Daemen Portmans June 6, 1714 (aged 1 month) Roermond, Roermond, Limburg, Netherlands Latitude: N51.200000 Longitude: E6.000000Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™ junij 1714 6a obijt consultissimus Dominus petrus portmans juris utriusque licentiatus huius suprema curiae advocatus confrater s(anctissi)mi sacramenti sepelitur in parochia S(anc)ti Christophori, praetor praefectura Ruraemundensis. 1720 Augustus Quelle: Roermond, Kirchenbuch, Vol. 417, S. (film , image 19) |
Birth of a sister | Johanna Maria Franziska Coninx March 1716 (aged 1 year) Geldern, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Latitude: N51.519444 Longitude: E6.330833Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™ |
Christening of a sister | Johanna Maria Franziska Coninx 1716 (aged 1 year) Geldern, St. Maria Magdalena, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Latitude: N51.517778 Longitude: E6.321111Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™ Shared note: 1716. 10. maritj baptizata est Anna Maria Francisca filia legitima Amplissimi D(omi)ni Simonis Petri…
Death of a mother | Cunera Gertrud Portmans 1716 (aged 1 year) Geldern, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Latitude: N51.519444 Longitude: E6.330833Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™ 1716 in Martis 20 uxor domini Simon petrus Conings Mombaer Cecilia Quelle: Geldern, Kirchenbuch St. Maria Magdalena, KB013-S_022 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Johanna Katharina Coebergh August 29, 1720 (aged 6 years) Roermond, Roermond, Limburg, Netherlands Latitude: N51.200000 Longitude: E6.000000Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™ 1720 Augustus 29 obiit D(omine)lla Joanna Catharnia Coebergh in domo Borkholtz apud portam Venloensis ... vidua clarissimi D(omi)ni ... petri portmans J(us).U(triusque).L(itentiatus). et famosi advocati perfecturas praetoris et febri maligna sepult. est ... in Cathedrale in Chorus B(eate). M(aria). V(irgine) aposita ad virum suum Quelle: Roermond, Kirchenbuch, Vol. 418, S. (film , image 70) |
Marriage | Franziskus Dominikus van Foppinga — View this family August 15, 1737 (aged 23 years) Geldern, St. Maria Magdalena, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Latitude: N51.517778 Longitude: E6.321111Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™ 1737 15 Aug: copulati sunt cum dispensatione in 3 bannis ... rurem: impetrata D. Franciscus Dominicus Foppinga Leuytnandus in copiis Regis Borussis et praenob. Domicella Cunera Catharina Coninx Testes: Amp. D. Consiliarius Joes Baptista Coninx et Ludovicus van Dalen per me Fr. Martinum Quelle: Geldern, Kirchenbuch St. Maria Magdalena, KB011-H_130 |
FAM:ASSO | Franziskus Dominikus van Foppinga — View this family August 15, 1737 (aged 23 years) Witness_of_Marriage: Johannes Baptist Lambert Coninx (aged 27 years) — brother-in-law —
elder brother
Death of a brother | Anton Coninx after 1740 (aged 25 years) |
Death of a father | Simon Peter Coninx 1743 (aged 28 years) Geldern, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Latitude: N51.519444 Longitude: E6.330833Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™ Martius 1743 15 con... D(omi)nus Simon Petrus Coninchs fiscalit regies consilarius etc. Quelle: Geldern, Kirchenbuch St. Maria Magdalena, KB013-S_038 |
Death of a husband | Franziskus Dominikus van Foppinga about 1755 (aged 40 years) |
Death of a brother | Johannes Baptist Lambert Coninx 1779 (aged 64 years) Geldern, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Latitude: N51.519444 Longitude: E6.330833Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™ |
Death of a sister | Johanna Maria Franziska Coninx November 11, 1783 (aged 69 years) Geldern, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Latitude: N51.519444 Longitude: E6.330833Google Maps™Bing Maps™OpenStreetMap™ 1783 9bris 11 Nov: obiit Praenobilis Domina Francisca Coninx conjux praenobilis Domini N. Baronis de Blanckaert Sepulta est in Ecclesia Quelle: Geldern, Kirchenbuch St. Maria Magdalena, KB013, S. 114 |
INDI:_FID | LLC7-8N7 |
Death | 1794 (aged 79 years) |
INDI:_CRE | September 10, 2010 – 20:22:01 (216 years after death) |
FAM:_CRE | Franziskus Dominikus van Foppinga — View this family March 16, 2011 – 22:04:59 (217 years after death) |
father |
Birth: December 1679 — Venray, Venray, Limburg Death: 1743 — Geldern, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
mother |
Birth: October 1686 — Roermond, Roermond, Limburg Death: 1716 — Geldern, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
Marriage | Marriage — July 30, 1709 — Geldern, St. Maria Magdalena, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany |
11 months
elder brother |
Birth: June 24, 1710 — Roermond, Roermond, Limburg Death: 1779 — Geldern, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
3 years
elder sister |
Birth: July 1, 1712 — Roermond, Roermond, Limburg Death: June 25, 1798 — Venray, Venray, Limburg |
22 months
herself |
2 years
younger sister |
Birth: March 1716 — Geldern, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen Death: November 11, 1783 — Geldern, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen |
husband | |
herself | |
Marriage | Marriage — August 15, 1737 — Geldern, St. Maria Magdalena, Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany |
MarriageView | 1737 15 Aug: copulati sunt cum dispensatione in 3 bannis ... rurem: impetrata D. Franciscus Dominicus Foppinga Leuytnandus in copiis Regis Borussis et praenob. Domicella Cunera Catharina Coninx Testes: Amp. D. Consiliarius Joes Baptista Coninx et Ludovicus van Dalen per me Fr. Martinum Quelle: Geldern, Kirchenbuch St. Maria Magdalena, KB011-H_130 |